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Therapy in Edmond/OKC, OK Area

Credo Counseling LLC

Rediscover Believing in Yourself

Home: Welcome

"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change."

Carl Rogers

Home: Famous Quote
Calm Sea

A Bit About
Therapy in Oklahoma

We are here to help those who feel stress, worry, or anxiety are impacting their day-to-day life, relationships, career, schooling, sleep, etc. These feelings can come from a variety of areas in life including medical issues, familial issues, infertility, career pressure, athletic expectations, social expectations, body image and food issues, loss, self-dislike, and the list goes on. This impact can range from feeling as if "Oh, I'm just getting by" to  crippling thoughts of "I will never feel normal". These feelings do not have to continue to burden you and I believe I can help. If this sounds like you, please reach out.


"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are."

- Joseph Campbell


Home: About Therapy

Therapy Services

Personalized Care and Guidance

Image by Erik  Lucatero
Happy family

Individual Therapy

Quality Care For You

Adolescent Therapy

Supporting Your Growing Years

Family Therapy

Bringing Families Together

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